Many exchange booths will charge you large commissions for exchanging your currencies. Take control of the situation and – with no extra commission – exchange currencies with other travelers from around the world.
Browse through the list of exchanges from users around the globe and discover the right currency holder for you!
Use filters to narrow down results and find the ideal exchange holder! By allowing location access, we can show the best exchange deals in your current area and give you the most accurate suggestions.
Meet with travelers around the world, in the nearest airports, exchange currencies safely with our zero-commission solution.
Already found an appropriate exchange or other currency-holder? Great! On the day of exchange, simply find pre-definded exchange spots at the airport and exchange currencies! CashOpera is easy to use, right at your fingertips whilst on-the-go.
Having difficulties in finding a great rate? Reveal yourself to the world, create you own exchange and find a perfect match!
It’s easy! Set currencies and amount of cash you want to exchange. Then add your flight number and determine time and place (airports) of the exchange. And you are ready to go!
Each currency exchange will earn you a rating. The highest you are rated, the more chances you have of being able to exchange currency in the future.
Exchange coins and bills, whether you saved up for the exchange or forgot to spend the residual cash at the leaving airport's café, CashOpera was actually made for you!